Hello Blog

# Hello Blog (WIP)

  • [x] RSS
  • [ ] Tags Cloud case-sensitive


# Config with vurpress/theme-blog

directories: [
    id: "anime",
    dirname: "_posts/anime",
    path: "/anime/",
    itemPermalink: "/anime/:year/:month/:day/:slug",
    pagination: {
      perPagePosts: 5
    id: "archived",
    dirname: "_posts/uncategorized",
    path: "/_posts/archived/",
    itemPermalink: "/archived/:year/:month/:day/:slug",
    pagination: {
      perPagePosts: 5
    id: "post",
    dirname: "_posts",
    path: "/",
    itemPermalink: "/:year/:month/:day/:slug",
    pagination: {
      perPagePosts: 5

奇怪的是,以上配置在 SSR 可正常運作

wait Rendering static HTML...
Rendering page: /anime/[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'interval' of undefined"

found in

---> <BaseListLayout>
error Error rendering /anime/: false
TypeError: Cannot read property 'interval' of undefined
    at Pagination.get (node_modules/@vuepress/plugin-blog/lib/client/pagination.js:35:47)
    at Proxy.pages (node_modules/@vuepress/theme-blog/global-components/BaseListLayout.vue:96:30)
├m─ About
│ ├── Me
│ └── Resume
├── Uncategorized
├m─ Wish List
│ ├── Food (Index Page to info and exp/review/gain)
│ ├── Buy 3C
│ ├── Home/Live
│ ├── Travel
│ └── Edu/Read/Learn
├m─ Projects
│ ├── Linebot
│ ├── Webbsite
│ └── My PHP utils
├m─ Languages
│ ├── 繁體中文
│ └── English
└── package.json