Hello World: Laravel RealWorld Example App

故事是這樣,PHP 寫了四年,
期間玩過 1 年的 CodeIgniter 3,2 個月的 Laravel 5,
2 年的 Slim 3 搭配 Laravel 的 Eloquent,但對 Laravel 本身不算熟悉。

感謝某橘提供的關鍵字 Realworld。

# Realworld 是什麼?

gothinkster/realworld (opens new window)

"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com (opens new window) clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅


# 那麼要怎麼開始呢

開發環境我選擇 laradock ,理由是 docker 的易配置,且工作時已經熟悉,
並把焦點放在 laravel-realworld-example-app 本身上。

gothinkster/laravel-realworld-example-app (opens new window)

跟著 README.m (opens new window)d 手把手,docker 環境相關部分的另外紀錄。

  • 移除 composer.lock 再做 composer install

    原本的 composer.lock 內容會因為相依套件的版本問題,
    而無法正常安裝;開發環境我們不 care composer.lock

  • ~~php artisan serve~~ and You can now access the server at http://localhost:8000 (opens new window)

    環境配置是在容器中,由 nginx 做 Web Server,
    配置域名設定檔到 laravel.realworld.conf
    將域名 laravel.realworld.test 加到本機 hosts

    如果系統有裝 php,也可以在外面玩 php artisan serve
    想在容器中跑的話,要另外 expose port,見以下

  • 或可以使用專案中直接提供的 docker 配置,./docker

# 接下來讀 Code 吧,範例中……

# 實作 API Tests

可以看到,laravel 中也是使用 phpunit 來做測試

  • phpunit tests/Feature/Api/UserTest.php


    Caused by
    PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1044] Access denied for user 'default'@'%' to database 'realworld_test'

    可以看見 phpunit.xml 中配置了 phpunit 測試時需要的環境變數

    手動建立對應測試用 Database

    # 進到容器中 mysql
    CREATE DATABASE 'realworld_test';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGERS ON realworld_test.* TO 'default'@'%';


    Caused by
    ErrorException: Using integers for registered date claims is deprecated, please use DateTimeImmutable objects instead.

    手動降 lcobucci/jwt 版本可解

    composer require lcobucci/jwt:3.3.3

    phpunit passed
    到這邊 pass

  • api 的 http test 實作?看 UserTest.it_returns_the_current_user_when_logged_in()

    Testing (opens new window)

    Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns 中的 MakesHttpRequests trait,
    提供了模擬 http 請求與回應,測試方法則斷言回應內容。

    Testcase 使用 DatabaseMigrations trait,
    在每次測試執行前後分別自動執行 migrate:fresh 與 migrate:rollback,

  • 其他的測試案例大同小異;jsonBody的部分,一樣只斷言驗證是否為 json
    要驗證 json property required 和 type, 可用 justinrainbow/json-schema

# Migrate/Seed 與 phinx 的異同

php artisan list migrate
# outputs
Available commands for the "migrate" namespace:
  migrate:fresh     Drop all tables and re-run all migrations
  migrate:install   Create the migration repository
  migrate:refresh   Reset and re-run all migrations
  migrate:reset     Rollback all database migrations
  migrate:rollback  Rollback the last database migration
  migrate:status    Show the status of each migration

php artisan help migrate
# outputs
  migrate [options]

      --database[=DATABASE]  The database connection to use.
      --force                Force the operation to run when in production.
      --path[=PATH]          The path of migrations files to be executed.
      --pretend              Dump the SQL queries that would be run.
      --seed                 Indicates if the seed task should be re-run.
      --step                 Force the migrations to be run so they can be rolled back individually.
  -h, --help                 Display this help message
  -q, --quiet                Do not output any message
  -V, --version              Display this application version
      --ansi                 Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction       Do not ask any interactive question
      --env[=ENV]            The environment the command should run under
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose       Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Run the database migrations

都有提供 migrate 跟 seed,細節使用時再搭配文件;
laravel artisan 另外提供了 refresh, fresh, reset 操作;
phinx 有提供 Dry-Run 功能 $command —dry-run | -x

Database: Migrations (opens new window)
Database: Seeding (opens new window)
Commands - 0.12 (opens new window)

# App Config

  • Laravel 中的 configuration 有預設值,在 config/*.php 中, 部分可以透過 .env 變更
  • 標記:沒概念的 services.php

# 相依 laravel-cors 如何處理 CORS

  • 注意 config/cors.php

# Database

  • database/factories/ModelFactory.php

    Database Testing (opens new window)

    Writing Factories When testing, you may need to insert a few records into your database before executing your test. Instead of manually specifying the value of each column when you create this test data, Laravel allows you to define a default set of attributes for each of your Eloquent models using model factories. ...

# Routes

  • 標記:沒概念的 channels.php

# App

  • Service Provider?

    Laravel 實作 DI 的方式

    Laravel如何實現依賴性注入? (opens new window)

    Laravel藉由Service Container與Service Provider實現了依賴性注入,達到低耦合、易擴展的特性。理解何時使用Service Provider,有助於我們實作良好的系統,這也是這份筆記希望研討的主要議題。
    先講結論--Service Provider適合使用在以下時機:

    Slim3 中則是以 $container['MySerivce']手動注入到 container,
    同質 Service 是否依賴介面,由開發者自行決定與實作,


# Realworld

  • Model implements Contracts

    Contracts (opens new window)

  • Controllers extends ApiController

    熟悉的味道;這邊我先前的習慣是會將 ApiController 定為抽象類別,

# 延伸閱讀

core packages; 相依套件;....

# Symfony
